Goodrich FFA
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Principals of AFNR

To be prepared for careers in the field of agriculture, students need to attain academic skills and knowledge acquire technical knowledge and skills related to animal systems, plant systems, power systems, and the workplace, by developing knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations.  To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply and transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings. Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to the agriculture industry.

During this year, we will cover a wide range of topics concerning Agriculture and Leadership. The student will be able to describe and perform basic skills in the following topics:
1. History & Significance of Agriculture
2. International Agriculture
3. Leadership Opportunities & Structure of the FFA
4. Parliamentary Procedure
5. Leadership Skills & Goals
6. Animal Science
7. Food Products & Processing
8. Written and Oral Communication Skills
9. Soil Science
10. Plant Science
11. Occupational Safety
12. Basic Agricultural Mechanics Skills
13. Environmental Issues & Conservation
As an introductory course, classes will consist primarily of lecture, presentations and projects, with some basic lab activities.

Agriculture Education has three components:

  1. Classroom:This is based on the topics covered for this class experience.
  2. FFA:The Future Farmers of America is one of the largest national youth organizations.Through the FFA students have the opportunity to participate in numerous leadership and career development contest.FFA participation is encouraged for all students that are enrolled in Agriculture Science Courses.
  3. SAE (Supervised Agriculture Experience):An SAE allows students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills learned in a classroom setting. Record Books- The Texas Education Agency requires that students taking Agricultural Science classes maintain a record book and will be maintained through an online program called AET.  If you have any projects that you are raising or building then you will need to your receipts so that the record book is accurate and will help you gain degrees and scholarships!


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